Last updated: May 08, 2023
This privacy policy applies to all personal information Tucando collects via the Internet.
Tucando recognizes the importance of your privacy and that you have a right to control how your personal information is collected and used. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust, and we take that seriously. Unless you consent to do otherwise, Tucando will only collect and use your personal information as set out below.
Collection of information
The four main ways we collect personal information about you are:
when information about you is posted on a Tucando website, either by you or by a third party;
when you log into a Tucando website or otherwise submit personal information to Tucando;
When you use a Tucando website, in which case our system automatically collects information relating to your visit to that website, such as your IP address;
The type of information that we collect from you may include the following: your name, phone number, address, email address, company position/title, credit card details, IP address, cookies, personal information that you include in your business listing or personal information that you email/send using email functionality on the website.
Our use of cookies
Cookies are information that a website transfers to your computer’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies. Tucando uses cookies to make your use of our website and services as convenient as possible. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they identify a user’s browser. Cookies are useful for estimating our number of users and determining overall traffic patterns through our website. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may set your browser to refuse cookies. This may mean you cannot take full advantage of Tucando’s services.
Using and disclosing your personal information
Our purpose in collecting information about you is to:
Provide you with a better service experience with content and advertising that is more relevant to your interests; and
Create a business information database for use as part of Tucando’s online business. While Tucando’s business information database is designed to operate as a business directory (not a directory of individuals), personal information may become included in the business information database.
Tucando will not use or disclose any information about you without your consent unless:
the use or disclosure is for one of the purposes described above or otherwise permitted by this policy;
it is required or permitted by law (including by relevant privacy laws);
we believe it necessary to provide you with the service which you have requested;
To protect the rights, property, or personal safety of another Tucando website user, any public or Tucando member or any of the assets and operations of Tucando are being transferred to another party.
If you do not provide the requested information, Tucando may not be able to provide you with access to or full use of sections of the Tucando website.
Disclosing information
Sometimes, the activities described above require us to share your personal information with other organizations. The types of situations in which Tucando usually discloses personal information, and the types of organizations to which such disclosure is usually made, include the following:
The business information database is available via the Internet to any member of the public. It is also disclosed to Tucando’s related entities and other entities with whom Tucando has a business relationship as part of Tucando’s online business.
Catch discloses personal information to its service providers, advisers, and other entities with whom Tucando has a business relationship while operating the Tucando websites and Tucando online business and while delivering the Tucando services.
In seeking to give you the most worthwhile experience of our websites possible, Tucando may use your personal information to send you information and product updates about Tucando websites and services, or other products and services, or to permit other parties to send other information about products or services which may be of interest to you.
We may contact you at any email or other address or contact point that we have collected or obtained to:
contact you about your business listing on the Tucando website;
provide you with updated information about Tucando websites; or
provide you with other information about other products or services you may enjoy.
If you are receiving promotional information from Tucando and do not wish to receive this information any longer, you may remove your name from our list by contacting and asking to be removed from our mailing list. Please allow 28 days for this request to be processed.
Access to the information we hold
You can request access to the personal information we hold about you by requesting the Tucando. We will provide you with access unless we are legally authorized not to do so.
Changing and deleting the information we have about you
If at any time you wish to change personal information that is inaccurate or out of date, please get in touch with us by emailing Tucando. If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let us know in the same manner as referred to above. We will take all reasonable steps to change or delete information in response to such a request. If there is a reason that we cannot make that change or deletion, we will inform you of that reason.
Storage and security of your personal information
Tucando will endeavor to take all reasonable steps to secure any information we hold about you and keep this information accurate and up to date. You should note that the Internet is not a secure method of transmitting information, and, as such, we are not responsible for the security of any information sent or received over the Internet.
Please note that Tucando may use overseas facilities, including but not limited to the US, to store, process, or back up its information. As a result, we may transfer your personal information to our overseas facilities. However, this does not change our commitment to keep your information secure.
Third-party websites
Tucando’s websites contain links to websites not operated by Tucando and the contact details for many businesses not operated by Tucando. These linked sites and listed businesses are not under the control of Tucando, and we are not responsible for the conduct of those businesses. Before disclosing your personal information on any other website or to any other company, we advise you to examine the Terms and Conditions / Privacy Policies of those organizations.
Future changes
Our commitment to being a leading provider of online business directory services means our business will continue evolving as we introduce new services and features. Because of this, from time to time, our policies will be reviewed and may be revised. Tucando reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy and notify you by posting an updated version on each Tucando website. The amended Privacy Policy will apply between us whether or not we have given you specific notice of any change.
Privacy inquiries
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how Tucando deals with your personal information, you can contact:
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:
- By email:
- By visiting this page on our website: